Adaptacja polska Inwentarza Inteligencji Praktycznej Menedżerów (Tacit Knowledge Inventory for Managers) Richarda K. Wagnera i Roberta J. Sternberga1

Jan F. Terelak, Anna K. Baczyńska
Rocznik: 2009 Tom: 15 Numer: 1
Strony: 169-188
This article focuses on the conceptions and measure of the practical intelligence. Authors have shown the Polish adaptation of the R.K. Wagner and R.J. Sternberg’s tacit Knowledge Inventory for Managers (TKIM). TKIM is designed to identify individuals whose ”street smart” indicate the potential for excellent performance in managerial and executive careers. The inventory can used to guide organizations in the selections of entry-level managers, promotion of lower- and middle- level managers to higher ranks, and as a diagnostic tool for training and development. TKIM in Polish version is reliable tool.