Bezdecyzyjność kariery jako psychospołeczny wzór tranzycji do dorosłości: Konstrukcja i charakterystyka psychometryczna Skali Decyzyjności Kariery

Augustyn Bańka
Rocznik: 2014 Tom: 20 Numer: 2
This article reports the development and initial validation of the 24-item Career Indecision Scale (CIS) developed by A.Bańka (2007). The 24-item scale of the CIS points to criteria that young Poles, university graduates, incorporate in their decision-making process when delaying the start of a professional career. In the four validation studies, on two different samples of students graduating from universities, the psychometric properties of the CIS were tested. In the fi rst study 5 factors of CIS were distinguished on the basis of the EFA: 1 – Indecision Generalized, 2 – Indecision Informational, 3 – Indecision Emotional, 4 – Indecision Crystallizational, 5 – Indecision in Autonomic Action. In the second study CFA was conducted by using SEM modelling. The results show acceptable goodness of fi t of the fi ve factor model of CIS (RMSA = .089). The third and fourth study conducted in the same samples of students graduating from universities verifi ed evidence in favour of convergent validity. In summary, the fi ndings provide initial support of the use of the Career Indecision Scale in the domain of initialising vocational career.