Dwa sposoby przeżywania emocji a efekty asymilacji i kontrastu

Alina Kolańczyk, Alicja Dembowska, Anna Krysińska
Rocznik: 1996 Tom: 2 Numer: 3
Strony: 161-182
Two ways of emotion experience from the position of an actor (the state of association with the experience) and from the position of an observer (the state of dissociation with the experience) were explored and explained in terms of co-operation of three behavior regulating systems. The authors described a system of: 1) preinterpretative information integration, 2) rational information processing, 3) consciousness that coordinates the activity of systems 1 and 2. This article reports two studies (a pilot study and the major study) in which the process of emotional episode's recalling was being manipulated; the techniques of Neurolinquistic Programming were used in order to place the subject in the position of an actor or an observer. It was examined whether the succeeding free recalled events were affectively conformable (an assimilation effect) or not (a contrast effect). The results were explained in terms of the extent to which the subjects were conscious of the changes in preinterpretative and rational processing of information. It was the measure of regulating „impact" of both behaviour regulating systems since each of them is characterized by specific long term memory. Assimilation and contrast effects depend on memory (and its features) involved and on the subjects' susceptibility to experimental manipulation (on intuitiveness and rationality).