Dynamika objawów somatycznych i psychicznych psychastenicznej postaci miażdżycy tętnic mózgowych w przebiegu leczenia hipolipemizującego

Maria B. Pecyna
Rocznik: 1998 Tom: 4 Numer: 1
Strony: 47-52
From a group of patients, aged 60 and more, with a diagnosis of psychastenic cerebralarteriosclerosis, three subgroups with even distribution in sex, education, social background and inhabitancy (rural/urban) and differing stages of the illness' progress were selected. In addition, three analogous control subgroups were chosen from among healthy individuals. A two-level statistical analysis was based on standard 16 PF, MAS, TUZ IG forms. It turned out that the hypolipemisizing medicines have negative influence on the emotional sphere of elderly patients. The brevity of the course of neuro- and psychostenic cerebralarteriosclerosis proved to have major influence on frustration -probably because the brevity does not allow for accepting and adapting to the deficiency. The report proves the necessity of including psychotherapy in hypolimesizing treatment.