Efekty oczekiwań nauczycieli i rodziców w edukacji matematycznej i literackiej uczniów

Sławomir Trusz
Rocznik: 2018 Tom: 24 Numer: 1
Strony: 99-113
In the article the direct, indirect and total effects of teachers and parents expectancies were compared for four outcome variables, i.e.: the results of math and native language section of matriculation test and the final marks in twelve-grade math and native language class. Furthermore three mediators were included in the tested models, i.e.: students’ self-expectancies, their self-esteem, and learning time of math and native language. The data from 1374 high school graduates were analysed by structural equation modeling. The most powerful and positive direct, indirect and total effects of teachers’ expectancies were observed for math test results and marks. Reversed pattern of results were found for parents’ expectancies. Students’ self-esteem was the strongest mediator for the teachers’ and parents’ expectancies effects. The obtained results were discussed in the light of the social constructionism theory as well as the results of classic and contemporary studies on intra and interpersonal expectancies effects.