Jednostka ludzka

Kazimierz Obuchowski
Rocznik: 1996 Tom: 2 Numer: 1
Strony: Kazimierz Obuchowski
Biological, social and psychological approaches to the human being are now more and more coherent as a result of the application of interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks. The longest history has the social approach related to interconnections between the human nature and social conditions. Three concepts are the subject of analysis: the human being as a puppet, the human being as belonging to its social role and the human as an intentional being. The last concept emerged about 50 years ago as a result of the "subject's revolution", but all concepts mentioned above are currently accepted. The paper deals also with the ways in which modern concepts of personality are developing. New is the proposition related to the role of private tasks, sense of life, psychological distance and psychological approach. The proposed definition concentrates on the human being his/her own needs and desires, and who develops in the direction established by his/her private sense of life.