Konsumenci lojalni i nielojalni wobec marki produktu. Analiza segmentacji psychograficznej

Anna Maria Zawadzka
Rocznik: 1998 Tom: 4 Numer: 3
Strony: 208-217
The aim of this paper was to investigate the relationships between brand loyalty and psychographic determinants such as shopping motives and habits, and preferred values of consumer behaviour. 170 students, aged 22-25, were surveyed. The questionnaires included two methods of verifying the hypothesis. The subjects were asked to fillin a value scale(Brzozowski) and a questionnaire constructed exclusively for this research. Statistical methods were applied to select two consumer groups, i.e. loyal and disloyal to product brands. The results show that brand loyal consumers' choice is mainly influenced by emotional and symbolic aspect of the brand and brand disloyal consumers' choice is mainly influenced by rational and functional one. Social acceptance is important for brand loyal consumers. Consequently, they select those products whose brands carry messages that may display the customers' features. Brand disloyal consumers choose to remain neutral in respect of their image, and that’s why product brand is not very significant for them. To sum up, brand loyalty is an attitude based on emotions. Therefore, it may be considered a personality-conditioned feature that appears in some people and doesn't appear in others. Further research should focus on an analysis of emotional and social aspects of personality as loyal behaviour determinants.