    [id] => 476
    [date] => 2019-03-15
    [doi] => 
    [title] => Kontrproduktywność, pasywność i przejawy wycofania z ról organizacyjnych wśród polskichpracowników
    [authors] => Maciej Macko, Maria Strykowska
    [abstract] => 

Despite the internal climate and culture they are embedded in, modern organizations suffer significant costs inflicted by employee counterproductivity. The fact of growing research in that area of organizational behavior is apparent. The objective of this article is to present a variety of definitions and typologies useful in explaining and predicting CWBs. Results on CWBs among Polish employees are also given in relation to American studies. The multiplicity of scientific approaches has encouraged the authors to give their own definition of general employee counterproductivity and propose some basic explanations based on their own research. The authors conclude that due to construct complexity and heterogeneity it is questionable if a comprehensive and universal theory of employee counterproductivity is ever to be proposed. Nevertheless, based on both academic and practical reasons, it seems important to further explore the phenomenon and offer more accurate, culture-sensitive measurement tools.

[abstract_en] =>

Despite the internal climate and culture they are embedded in, modern organizations suffer significant costs inflicted by employee counterproductivity. The fact of growing research in that area of organizational behavior is apparent. The objective of this article is to present a variety of definitions and typologies useful in explaining and predicting CWBs. Results on CWBs among Polish employees are also given in relation to American studies. The multiplicity of scientific approaches has encouraged the authors to give their own definition of general employee counterproductivity and propose some basic explanations based on their own research. The authors conclude that due to construct complexity and heterogeneity it is questionable if a comprehensive and universal theory of employee counterproductivity is ever to be proposed. Nevertheless, based on both academic and practical reasons, it seems important to further explore the phenomenon and offer more accurate, culture-sensitive measurement tools.

[keywords] => counterproductivity, passivity, withdrawal [keywords_en] => counterproductivity, passivity, withdrawal [file_path] => /files/articles/2010-16-kontrproduktywno_-pasywno-i-przejawy-wycofania-z-rl-organizacyjnych-wrd-polskichpracownikw.pdf [okladka] => psychologia_pracy_i_organizacji.jpg [rocznik] => Rocznik: 2010 Tom: 16 Numer: 2 [strony] => 189-198 )

Kontrproduktywność, pasywność i przejawy wycofania z ról organizacyjnych wśród polskichpracowników


Maciej Macko, Maria Strykowska


Rocznik: 2010 Tom: 16 Numer: 2
Strony: 189-198

Despite the internal climate and culture they are embedded in, modern organizations suffer significant costs inflicted by employee counterproductivity. The fact of growing research in that area of organizational behavior is apparent. The objective of this article is to present a variety of definitions and typologies useful in explaining and predicting CWBs. Results on CWBs among Polish employees are also given in relation to American studies. The multiplicity of scientific approaches has encouraged the authors to give their own definition of general employee counterproductivity and propose some basic explanations based on their own research. The authors conclude that due to construct complexity and heterogeneity it is questionable if a comprehensive and universal theory of employee counterproductivity is ever to be proposed. Nevertheless, based on both academic and practical reasons, it seems important to further explore the phenomenon and offer more accurate, culture-sensitive measurement tools.

counterproductivity, passivity, withdrawal