Krzywa gładka (The Bell Curve). Czy jest to wyrok dla życia społecznego współczesnej Ameryki?

Elżbieta Hornowska
Rocznik: 1996 Tom: 2 Numer: 3
Strony: 195-198
In the paper, the author is presenting her view on Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray's "The Bell Curve. Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life", published by Free Press in 1994. This is clearly the most incendiary monograph in social science to appear in the last decade or more. In form it is a model of academic etiquette, but it is only an etiquette. The author is discussing in a more detailed way with one of its basic premises, that properly administered IQ tests are not demonstrably biased against social, economic, ethnic, or racial groups. She is showing the problem of test and item bias in some perspectives.