    [id] => 234
    [date] => 2018-11-22
    [doi] => 
    [title] => Lojalność wobec marki w aspekcie zachowań konsumenckich: Procedura operacjonalizacji pojęcia
    [authors] => Andrzej Falkowski, Ewa Stachiewicz
    [abstract] => 

The paper discusses operationalization of the brand loyalty concept in the context of psychological conception of attitude. A semantic differential for empirical research was developed to examine 3 brands of the same type of product, one of which was the most frequently purchased. The same differential was used to examine consumer's concept of loyalty as well as his/her self-concept. Then, a method of choice of these brands was used which allowed to determine the preference map based on the multidimensional scaling. The key element of the operationalization procedure was to determine the conformity of the cognitive-emotional dimension with the behavioural dimension. It consisted in explaining in multiple regression equation consumer's distance from the particular brands by 1) the similarity of self-concept to the image of a given brand, 2) the similarity of the loyalty concept to the image of a given brand and by 3) the set to it. The results demonstrated that an important determinant of the choice of the most frequently purchased brand was the similarity of the concept of loyalty to the image of this brand. A subsequent data analysis demonstrated that this brand is – first of all – emotionally close, valuable and distinct.

[abstract_en] => [keywords] => consumer behavior, brand loyalty, operationalization procedure [keywords_en] => [file_path] => /files/articles/1999-5-lojalno-wobec-marki-w-aspekcie-zachowa-konsumenckich_-procedura-operacjonalizacji-pojcia.pdf [okladka] => psychologia_ekonomiczna.jpg [rocznik] => Rocznik: 1999 Tom: 5 Numer: 4 [strony] => 291-302 )

Lojalność wobec marki w aspekcie zachowań konsumenckich: Procedura operacjonalizacji pojęcia


Andrzej Falkowski, Ewa Stachiewicz


Rocznik: 1999 Tom: 5 Numer: 4
Strony: 291-302

The paper discusses operationalization of the brand loyalty concept in the context of psychological conception of attitude. A semantic differential for empirical research was developed to examine 3 brands of the same type of product, one of which was the most frequently purchased. The same differential was used to examine consumer's concept of loyalty as well as his/her self-concept. Then, a method of choice of these brands was used which allowed to determine the preference map based on the multidimensional scaling. The key element of the operationalization procedure was to determine the conformity of the cognitive-emotional dimension with the behavioural dimension. It consisted in explaining in multiple regression equation consumer's distance from the particular brands by 1) the similarity of self-concept to the image of a given brand, 2) the similarity of the loyalty concept to the image of a given brand and by 3) the set to it. The results demonstrated that an important determinant of the choice of the most frequently purchased brand was the similarity of the concept of loyalty to the image of this brand. A subsequent data analysis demonstrated that this brand is – first of all – emotionally close, valuable and distinct.

consumer behavior, brand loyalty, operationalization procedure