Mechanizmy kształtowania się zdolności do pracy w świetle modelu wymagania w pracy – zasoby

Łukasz Baka
Rocznik: 2018 Tom: 24 Numer: 3
Strony: 481-490
Drawing from job demand – resources model the study aimed to identify the mechanism of development work ability. Specifically, the direct effect of job resources on work ability and the indirect effects of work engagement were investigated. Three types of job resources (e.g. task resource, organizational resource and interpersonal resource) were taken into account. The moderation effects of cognitive and emotional demand on the job resources – work engagement link were also tested. Data were collected among 414 employees of the state administration. The results confirmed both the direct and indirect effect, but the last one was more stronger. The three types of job resources intensified work engagement and this, in turn increased level of work ability. Two-way interactional effects (resources x demands) were supported weakly. Only two of the six effects were statistically significant. Cognitive demands intensified the positive effect of interpersonal resources on work engagement. Emotional demands, in turn reduced the relation. The three-way interactional effect turned out to be significant. The highest level of work engagement was observed in group of employees with high interpersonal resources, high cognitive demands and low emotional demands. The findings provide further insight into processes leading to development of work ability.