Metoda symulowanego klienta w nauczaniu diagnostyki klinicznej w psychologii

Bartosz Zalewski, Maja Filipiak, Monika Tarnowska
Rocznik: 2012 Tom: 18 Numer: 1
Strony: 43-48
The article presents a method of teaching psychological diagnosis using the simulated client method (SC) which has not been described in Polish literature so far. This method consists in playing the client’s role by a professionally trained participant and it is widely used for teaching medical diagnosis. Attempts have also been made for years to use it for teaching psychology. The article presents a critical overview of the relevant literature and it analyzes the possibilities and limitations of using simulation in teaching psychology. The article discusses information available in the literature on technologies of the preparation of simulated clients, benefits achieved owing to the use of simulation in teaching and, finally, the effect simulation has on the simulated clients playing their roles. The method is compared with other teaching procedures, such as work with real clients and role play. Also, guidelines concerning the application of the method for psychology teaching and proposals for the verification of its usefulness by using psychological questionnaires are presented.