Objawy depresyjne a więź emocjonalna z chorym u opiekunów pacjentów z otępieniem alzheimerowskim

Ewa Wojtyna, Marta Banout, Katarzyna Popiołek
Rocznik: 2014 Tom: 20 Numer: 2
Depression symptoms and emotional bond in caregivers of the Alzheimer’s disease patients. Taking care of a person with the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with bearing high psychophysical costs by family members and close friends of the patient. The aim of this study is to explore the intensity and type of the depression symptoms in caregivers, depending on the type of emotional bond they had with the patient. Method and measurements: this was a cross-sectional study using questionnaires administered among 115 people who had been caregivers of an AD patient for at least one year. Participants fi lled in the Beck Depression Inventory and the Patient- Caregiver Relationship Strength Thermometer. Results: 67.8% of participants were in the risk group for affective disorders. There were high levels of somatic symptoms associated with depression, and relatively low levels of affective symptoms – anxiety and low mood. Somatic depression symptoms were twice as likely when the caregiver experienced a severe sense of loss (OR=2.05). Better memories associated with previous experiences with the patient was conducive of somatic depression symptoms (OR=1.76) and reduced the likelihood of intense affective symptoms (OR=.83). Conclusions: The type of depression symptoms depend on the nature of patient-caregiver relationship. An analysis of a sense of loss and experiences with the patient before the onset of disease allows to predict the risk of somatic and affective symptoms of depression, which allows to apply an appropriate differential diagnostics and further psycho- or pharmacological support.