Obraz ciała i poczucie płci psychologicznej w anoreksji psychicznej

Grzegorz Iniewicz
Rocznik: 2004 Tom: 10 Numer: 1
Strony: 67-71
In the literature, there is a lot of evidence of a lack of satisfaction with the body among people suffering from anorexia nervosa. This problem is also recognized in the healthy population of adolescents. It seems that the sense of one's sex influences the attitude toward one's body. The article presents data concerning the problem among girls suffering from anorexia nervosa in comparison with their healthy peers. The subjects completed the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire and the Sense of Psychological Sex Questionnaire. The assumptions were confirmed. The attitude toward the body among girls suffering from anorexia nervosa was more negative then in the control group. We may also suspect that the sense of one's sex may influence it.