Okoruchowy mechanizm uwagi w sytuacji decyzyjnej

Adam Tarnowski, Jan Terelak
Rocznik: 1996 Tom: 2 Numer: 3
Strony: 189-194
A visual attention processes are related to individual differences between people. In a model of eye movements proposed by Fisher (Fisher, Weber, 1994) an important phase of saccade generation is decision making. In this point we found the interaction between visual processing and non- visual variables, such as motivation. Inan experiment, 32 males was motivated to seek particular information on computer display. Reaction times of saccadic eye movements (SRT) were registered under motivation and in neutral situation. We found an influence of motivation on SRT in conditions demanding attention disengagement. When visual attention was disengaged motivation had no relation to saccadic reaction time. Results of experiment confirmed that the process of voluntary attention disengagement is related to individual differences.