Opis zaburzeń osobowości typu borderline według DSM-IV

Alicja Kuczynska
Rocznik: 2002 Tom: 8 Numer: 2
Strony: 177–185
Application of DSM-IV to borderline personality disorder diagnosis Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder experience very intensive and unstable affects, relationships and self-image, which make their life unusually dramatic and connected with high risk of mutilation and death (Macdonald, 1985; Perry, Frances, Clarkin, 1985; Stone, 1992). Taking into account the syntonic attitude towards their symptoms and low level of knowledge about diagnostic criteria for this type of disorder it is very easy to make a mistake in diagnostic assessment. It is of particular importance to be able to precisely describe and diagnose this kind of disorder. The goal of the paper was to present the possibilities of employing DSM-IV to diagnose Borderline Personality Disorder.