Poczucie efektywności pracy i patologia ról zawodowych w zakładzie przemysłowym

Wojciech Cwalina
Rocznik: 1995 Tom: 1 Numer: 3
Strony: 199-205
The article presents the analysis of the correlations between the perceived job effectiveness of industry employees and the pathology (conflict, ambiguity, overload) of their job roles. Differences in the intensity of the perceived job effectiveness and the problems with sending roles by the employees of one of the five subsystems of the company – production, adaptation, borders, administration and management – were also examined. Perceived Job Effectiveness Scale and Perception of Organizational Stress Questionnaire were used for the examination. 50 employees of a big industrial plant were tested. Significant negative correlation between perceived job effectiveness and perceived ambiguity of job roles were found. Significant statistical differences in different role conflict and role ambiguity perception of the employees of different subsystems of the company were also found.