Poczucie koherencji a etyka pracy. Składniki poczucia koherencji jako predyktory wymiarów etyki pracy

Damian Grabowski, Żaneta Rachwaniec-Szczecińska
Rocznik: 2014 Tom: 20 Numer: 2
The article presents the relations between work ethic and the sense of coherence. It is assumed that work ethic is a system of attitudes and beliefs towards work while the sense of coherence is a system of attitudes and beliefs towards life and more precisely towards diffi cult circumstances of life. The analyses of multiple regression were carried out and the components of sense of coherence, i.e. the meaningfulness, the manageability and the comprehensibility were treated as predictors of seven dimensions of work ethic: Centrality of Work, valuing Hard Work, avoidance of Wasting Time, Anti-Leisure attitudes, Delay of Gratifi cation, Morality/Ethics and Self-reliance. The research was carried out on the sample of 209 employees in different organizations. The analysis of hierarchical multiple regression and dominance analysis showed that the essential predictors of work ethic dimensions (Centrality of Work, avoidance of Wasting Time and valuing Hard Work) are: meaningfulness and manageability. The least important component that explains work ethic is comprehensibility.