Pośrednia autodestruktywność i jej związki z poczuciem wewnętrznej spójności

Anna Suchańska, Jowita Wycisk
Rocznik: 1998 Tom: 4 Numer: 2
Strony: 128-135
Indirect self-destructiveness is understood as a generaltendency to willingly perform activities indirectly dangerous to one's life or one's quality of life. These activities can be differentiated according to: kinds of danger, object and level of the subject’s activity. The authors verify the hypothesis assuming the existence of an observable connection between self-destructiveness and the real experience of loss, mutilation or lethal danger. The authors single out the following dispositions: sense of coherence and control, based on the conviction that one's activities make sense and are understandable and predictable; position towards self-care standards expressed by the acceptance of one's own Self and basicpatterns of self-care; convictions conditioning coherence in attempts of Self and lack of conflict between the physical, social and spiritual Self. 109 students of the Educational Science Faculty of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań were investigated. The methods used in the research included several varieties of the "self-report" type. The results showed a vital correlation between indirect self-destructiveness and: the presence of real dangers and losses; sense of internal coherence (especially the feeling of comprehensibility); conviction about the necessity of giving up aims of physical and psychological Self for spiritual Self; acceptance of norms and patterns. The last correlation seemed to be the most important one for the explication of passive forms (i.e. negligence and carelessness) of the self-destructive tendency. It has also been proved that indirect self-destructiveness does not correspond with the level of conviction concerning conflicts between the different aims of Self, nor with the necessity of sacrificing one's own attempts for those or other people. There was also no connection between a dependent variable and the observed "will of life". The class of variables explaining variances of the result of indirect self-destructiveness includes: sense of incomprehensibility of one's life's events; lack of care norms; lack of coherence of Self s attempts. The results prove that the enumerated variables are crucial for the cognitive and phenomenological context of the examined phenomenon.