Problem eutanazji z punktu widzenia psychologa

Teresa Świrydowicz
Rocznik: 2007 Tom: 13 Numer: 2
Strony: 147-155
The paper is devoted to problems connected with euthanasia. It consists of four parts. The first part considers problems: euthanasia – doctors, e.g. arguments for euthanasia from the point of view of doctors as well as consequences of legalization of euthanasia for doctors. The second part concerns patients, especially reasons of asking for death. Sometimes contemporary medical sciences are able to prevent some of those reasons (e.g. pain). In the third one, psychological consequences of legalization of euthanasia are considered: for doctors as well as for psychologists. The last one is devoted to the role of a psychologist in contemporary society in discussions on euthanasia. Most considerations in this paper are justified by author’s personal experiences in her psychological practice in hospices and personal contacts with dying people.