Prokrastynacja zawodowa jako forma ekologii pracy i jej współczesne uwarunkowania

Agnieszka Bartczak, Antoni Wontorczyk, Marek Strzelecki, Marian Banaś
Rocznik: 2018 Tom: 24 Numer: 2
Strony: 387-395
Procrastination is a construct that we usually associate with a clear negative. Procrastinators are considered unreliable people with low levels of conscientiousness and low self-regulation. Procrastinators themselves declare the need for change. However, procrastination not always will only bring losses. In professional procrastination, we can observe the phenomenon of positive procrastination, which is not a non-productive procrastination nor does it involve costs for a procrastinating person or an organization. Therefore, in this article, we propose a look at procrastination at work as a phenomenon with multilevel conditions.