Psychologiczna analiza przeżyć osób po stracie zwierzęcia towarzyszącego

Urszula Bielecka, Beata Mirucka
Rocznik: 2014 Tom: 20 Numer: 2
Grief after the loss of a companion animal is very often a phenomenon that is socially misunderstood and unaccepted. However, research proves that grief in its process and intensity is very similar to grief after the death of a close person. It happens mainly because while developing a positive attachment relation with a companion animal, one builds at the same time its inner representation. The companion animal becomes then: 1) a signifi cant object, supporting the development and well-being of its owner, or 2) a selfobject, whose function is to reinforce the feeling of cohesion, self-esteem, and continuity of the individual. The aim of this theoretical article is a psychological analysis of the personal experience after the loss of a companion animal. The psychodynamic approach constitutes the basis of the consideration: both the object relations theory and the psychology of self.