Psychologiczne konsekwencje objawów zespołu Turnera

Katarzyna Popiołek, Wacław Jeż, Maciej Januszek
Rocznik: 2006 Tom: 12 Numer: 2
Strony: 243-251
The aim of the research presented in the article, carried out on 176 women with genetic disorder described as Turner’s Syndrome was to show the connection between the evaluation of socio-psychological aspects of their own situation and the number and nature of symptoms resulting from Turner’s Syndrome. So far researches have treated the population of women suffering from Turner’s Syndrome as homogenous group, in spite of the fact, that this ailment covers a wide range of clinical fenotypes. Little is known about the internal diversity of this group as regards psychological costs born as a consequence of certain kind of changes connected with the disease. The knowledge about symptoms which can have particularly negative consequences on self-perception should become valuable clue for the therapeutic treatment. The research has shown that the most distressing symptoms are those which influence negatively the image of patient’s body: distinct short statue and obesity. Patients feel discrepancy between the features of their own body and those accepted and required by the culture. This may cause serious psychological discomfort and problems with social contacts.