Psychologiczne koszty diagnozy psychiatrycznej i stygmatyzacji. Jak skuteczniej pomagać osobom doświadczającym problemów ze zdrowiem psychicznym?

Agata Chudzicka-Czupała, Mateusz Biernat
Rocznik: 2018 Tom: 24 Numer: 1
Strony: 201-211
The aim of this article is to discuss the results of exploratory research on the subject of psychological costs. The scope of the research included psychological costs of a mental disorder diagnosis and the social stigma that follows. The purpose of the study was also to collect data about the opinion of patients on the current system of help offered to them and changes in this system which, according to respondents, would improve the quality of patients’ care. The representative sample consisted of 19 people who had been diagnosed with various mental disorders (psychotic disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression), the participants of the course prepared for them. A scale for studying the psychological costs of psychiatric diagnosis and social stigma was applied. A semi-structured interview was also used. The results make it possible to define what psychological costs the respondents most often experienced. The analysis of the results shows emotional and cognitive costs as well as costs resulting from assessing one’s own ability to cope and care from friends and loved ones. The results allow the distinction and discussion of aspects of the care system, which respondents feel should be changed. The outcome of the study proves that it is necessary to conduct further empirical studies and to introduce practical action and wider social discussion which would enable the prevention of patients’ social stigma and more effective care.