Psychospołeczne uwarunkowania dobrostanu pracowników i zamiaru odejścia z organizacji. Weryfikacja modelu

Marcin Wnuk
Rocznik: 2018 Tom: 24 Numer: 2
Strony: 361-371
The aim of the study was to verify model of employees wellbeing and intend to quit organization in the context of social exchange theory between organization and employee as well as supervisor and subordinate. Subjects were 564 employees from one organization. The following measures were used: measure concerning intent to quit organization, polish version of Organizational Commitment Scale, Survey of Perceived Organizational Support, Perceived Supervisor Support Scale, one item from Job Diagnostics Survey, measures concerning person- organization fit person-subordinate fit. Structural equations modeling was used to calculate the results. It was confirmed the key role of the social exchange between organization and employee for employees wellbeing and intend to quit organization. Perceived organizational support (PSS) mediated between perceived supervisor support (PSS) and job satisfaction, organizational commitment as well as intend to quit organization. Job satisfaction mediate between organizational commitment and intend to quit organization. Person-organization fit both directly and indirectly through POS influenced job satisfaction, organizational commitment and intend to quit organization.