    [id] => 174
    [date] => 2018-11-19
    [doi] => 
    [title] => Reguły pomniejszania i powiększania w sądach o uzdolnieniach własnych i uzdolnieniach innych osób: „Logika atrybucyjna" czy egotyzm?
    [title_en] => 
    [authors] => Andrzej Szmajke
    [abstract] => 

The article deals with the problems of human behavior in the period of economic transformation in Poland. The basic theoretical concept is of the situation as a system, in which the person is the main actor. Tomaszewski's theory of situation is transformed here for explaining relationships between the person and other elements of his situation. The model of analysis consists of 6 elements: 1) economically threatening situation, 2) perception of threats, 3) coping strategies, 4) psychological costs of coping, 5) economic stress, 6) individual characteristics. Some hypothetical relations between them are discussed.

[abstract_en] => [keywords] => human behavior, economic transformation, threatening situation [keywords_en] => [file_path] => /files/articles/1997-3-reguy-pomniejszania-i-powikszania-w-sdach-o-uzdolnieniach-wasnych-i-uzdolnieniach-innych-osb_-__logika-atrybucyjna"-czy-egotyzm.pdf [okladka] => psychologia_spoleczna.jpg [rocznik] => Rocznik: 1997 Tom: 3 Numer: 2 [strony] => 81-98 )

Reguły pomniejszania i powiększania w sądach o uzdolnieniach własnych i uzdolnieniach innych osób: „Logika atrybucyjna" czy egotyzm?


Andrzej Szmajke


Rocznik: 1997 Tom: 3 Numer: 2
Strony: 81-98

The article deals with the problems of human behavior in the period of economic transformation in Poland. The basic theoretical concept is of the situation as a system, in which the person is the main actor. Tomaszewski's theory of situation is transformed here for explaining relationships between the person and other elements of his situation. The model of analysis consists of 6 elements: 1) economically threatening situation, 2) perception of threats, 3) coping strategies, 4) psychological costs of coping, 5) economic stress, 6) individual characteristics. Some hypothetical relations between them are discussed.

human behavior, economic transformation, threatening situation