Rola samooceny i lęku-cechy w wyjaśnianiu subiektywnej jakości życia osób zorientowanych materialistycznie

Martyna Płudowska, Andrzej Sękowski
Rocznik: 2019 Tom: 25 Numer: 2
Strony: 187-194
The results of many psychological research revealed that self-esteem and trait anxiety are important predictors of quality of life, well-being and happiness. The arrangements for the functioning of materialistic individuals suggest that the attitude towards oneself and the disposition to react with anxiety may be of particular significance in the quality of life of these subjects. In order to verify this hypothesis the study was conducted on a sample of 243 people aged 21-39. In order to determine the contribution of self-esteem and trait anxiety in explaining the subjective quality of life, a multiple regression analysis was performed. The results of this analysis showed that a group of three variables: trait anxiety, self-esteem and materialistic orientation explain 44% of the variability in the sense of quality of life in the social area. To examine the role of materialism as a moderator of the relationship between self-esteem and anxiety and a subjective quality of life, a hierarchical model of regression analysis was used. The results showed that the greater the trait anxiety and the higher the level of materialism, the greater the importance of self-assessment in explaining the subjective quality of life in the psychosocial sphere.