Rozszerzanie znaku towarowego w podejściu wnioskowania przez analogię

Andrzej Falkowski, Iwona Madej
Rocznik: 2004 Tom: 10 Numer: 1
Strony: 23-33
Brand extension, i.e. using the same marking for different products, is nowadays one of the marketing strategies that is most often used by new firms which introduce their products at the market. The dimensions at which such an extension is used are first of all the replacement dimension and complementary products. Providing it is well elaborated, this strategy allows for big savings, because launching one's own brand is related to very high costs. The approach to brand extension presented in the study is an integration of two different research perspectives. One of them pertains to the processes of categorization, which have been so far utilized with success as the methodological foundation for research on brand extension. The second perspective pertains to the processes of reasoning by analogy and it constitutes a proposal of a thoroughly new view on brand extension. In the empirical studies on the extension of prestigious and functional brands, the classic scheme of reasoning by analogy by Rumelhart and Abrahamson (1973), was used. In the interpretative analysis of the obtained results there was used the methodology combining multidimensional scaling and Luce's choice theory. Results of the analysis have mainly rendered it possible to define the dimension at which brand extension may be efficiently realized in the process of reasoning by analogy. They have also allowed for adopting an attitude to the problem of validity and efficiency of brand extension in the reasoning by analogy approach. The efficiency is high when the process of reasoning by analogy may be predicted on the basis of cognitive representations of products that are given the same brand.