Rozwój dziecięcych teorii umysłu jako proces explicytacji i systematyzacji

Adam Putko
Rocznik: 1998 Tom: 4 Numer: 3
Strony: 239-248
The theory of mind is a system of concepts and rules which allow to attribute unobservable mental states to people in order to predict or explain their behaviour. There is some empirical evidence that young children have an implicit theory of mind before they are able to correctly verbalize a mental state of another person. The aim of this work was an analysis of the role of explicitation in the development of children's theories of mind. It was assumed that a component of explicitation is a systematization – the process which results in a capability of cognitive system for processing the systematic variants of representations. A malfunction of the mechanism of systematization can lead to an impediment of the development of the theory of mind. There is evidence of this in lack of mindreading abilities in autistic children who also show also several other symptoms of low-level cognitive systematicity.