Samotność wśród najbliższych. Interakcje dzieci z autyzmem z rodzicami

Ewa Pisula
Rocznik: 2009 Tom: 15 Numer: 2
Strony: 295-304
Autism is a severe developmental disorder, profoundly affecting human ability to effectively participate in social interactions. The specific deficits of social cognition development in children with autism (face processing impairment, joint-attention, monitoring of gaze direction) affect the development of parent-child relationship. Autism does not prevent close relationship formation, however affects it’s development. It is also a significant source of parental stress, which affects the parent-child interactions as well. The paper presents some results of author’s studies on the child-parent interactions analyzed in mother-child and father-child dyads with special attention drawn to child’s social behavior and parent’s coping strategies.