Stopa w drzwiach: Wpływ wielkości pierwszej prośby na percepcję wielkości prośby właściwej

Jarosław Kulbat
Rocznik: 2003 Tom: 9 Numer: 1
Strony: 89–97
In two field experiments, the relation between the scope of the initial request and the perceived magnitude of the second request in the foot-in-the-door paradigm was examined. Two factors, the scope of the first request and the magnitude of the second request, were included in the factorial design. A subjective estimation of the perceived scope of the second request made by Ss was the dependent measure. The scope of the first request was expected to influence the estimate of the magnitude of subsequent requests. Contrary to these predictions, however, the results showed that compliance to the initial request did not influence the perception of the subsequent request scope. The interpretations of these findings and implications for sequential-request strategies are discussed.