Stopień ekspozycji na stresory i poziom objawów potraumatycznych u żołnierzy powracających z misji pokojowej ONZ w byłej Jugosławii

Maria Lis-Turlejska, Wydział Psychologii, Aleksandra Łuszczyńska-Cieślak, Jan Borkowski, Mirosław Dyrda, Tomasz Ochinowski, Zdzisław Kobos, Bronisław Rokicki
Rocznik: 2002 Tom: 8 Numer: 2
Strony: 195–200
The study was aimed to assess posttraumatic symptomatology and the level of various stressors experienced by soldiers coming back after participatingin a UN. peacekeeping mission in the former Yugoslavia. The relationship between the levels of symptoms of PTSD, depression and anxiety and the differences between subjects with different stressful experiences during a peacekeeping mission was also assessed. A group of 165 soldiers took part in the study within 24 hours after coming back from the mission. 38.5% of the group had nightmares once a week and 24.8% had intrusive memories of stressful experiences during the peacekeeping mission. There is a correlation between the intensity of symptoms of PTSD, depression and anxiety. The data show also differences in intensity of PTSD symptoms between soldiers with different experiences perceived as the most stressful and also with different most difficult tasks during their period of duty.