Strategie zachowań w konflikcie między partnerami bliskiego związku interpersonalnego

Krystyna Balawajder
Rocznik: 1997 Tom: 3 Numer: 1
Strony: 43-47
The aim of this work was to discuss behavior of partners of close relationship in a conflict situation. By "close relationship partners" we understand any couple which is bound with close emotional links for a certain period of time (e.g. married, engaged, friends). We assume that interpersonal conflict consists in a social interaction in which partners exert negative influence on each other. Negative influence exist when well-being and personal development are threatened. We distinguish four different reactions to such a negative influence: attack, defense, yield and cooperation. Attack is a retaliation and creates threat of the partner's interest. Defense aims at protection on one's interest without causing threats. However, sometime there is lack of opportunities or power to resist against detrimental influence of opponent and then there is other solution – yield. The three above mentioned reactions belong to non-cooperative behaviors. There exist a fourth strategy – an offer of cooperation i.e. behave in a way which could/would lead to a mutually satisfy solution. The results of our studies show that in conflict between partners of close relationships most often they choose cooperation. Relatively less often we meet the defense. Attack and yield are rare. In a conflict women significantly more often choose the defense strategy. It was concluded that partners' behaviors are interdependent. Cooperation showed by one person results in a similar behavior of the partner.