Taksonomia leksykalna i struktura cech osobowości przypisywanych przedsiębiorcom

Oleg Gorbaniuk, Agnieszka Lebiedowicz
Rocznik: 2010 Tom: 16 Numer: 2
Strony: 237-251
Previous conceptualization of corporate personality in marketing goes beyond the concept of personality in its psychological meaning. A lexical approach in traits theory was applied during the three-stage-research in order to examine symbolic corporate image. Corporate personality was defined as the whole personality descriptors associated with a company. A lexicon of associations with 35 kinds of businesses has been compiled on the basis of individual interviews with fifty people from 17 to 63 years old. 10.200 associations were subjected to lexical taxonomy. The frequency analysis allowed to isolate 90 personality descriptors, which function most often in consumers’ memory when they think about companies. On the basis of quantity research dealing with perception of 35 companies, which were conducted on the sample of 320 students, a four dimensional structure of brand personality traits ascribed to companies has been identified, i.e. Openness, Innovation, Stability and Machiavellism. The stability of measurements and psychometric properties of scale have been proved in the research of 400 students. The future directions in a symbolic corporate image are being discussed.