Tożsamość narodowa młodych Niemców i młodych Polakówa stosunek do narodów Europy
Wiesław Łukaszewski, Barbara Stajniak
Rocznik: 1998 Tom: 4 Numer: 1
Strony: 7-19
The article reports on two surveys of the influence of activation of national identity on the attitude towards European nations among Polish and German youth. Anumber of important facts have been established. The first one concerns an almost complete lack (in both surveys) of the influence of experimental manipulation on the attitude of Polish subjects towards European nations and at the same time the systematic effects connected with manipulation among German subjects. An analogous lack of influence has been found in some other studies conducted among Polish grammar school students (Łukaszewski, in print). Secondly, present in both surveys, there is a tendency towards generalized, non-specific attitude of German subjects towards European nations: moreover – as evidenced by cluster analysis -a similar attitude is characteristic a examined subjects. This tendency is not present within the group of Polish subjects; here, the attitude towards others is rather specific, depending on the nation being evaluated – positive for western nations, negative for eastern ones. Moreover, as evidenced by cluster analysis, there are two distinctly different subgroups within the group of Polish subjects. It seems that whereas the German data indicate a mechanism of political correctness as the basis of the attitude towards others (all people are the same, although all of the mare rather average), the Polish data indicate a mechanism of referring to stereotyped categories, where the accompanying affective designations are conditioned by West-East geographical criteria.