Uwarunkowania internalizacjii eksternalizacji zaburzeńu dzieci i młodzieży

Lidia Cierpiałkowska, Michał Ziarko
Rocznik: 2009 Tom: 15 Numer: 1
Strony: 71-85
The research aimed at answering the question whether there are differences in the intensity of externalization and internalization disorders between children of alcoholics and non-alcoholics and what subjective and family factors condition the occurrence of these disorders. Among explanatory variables temperament traits and attachment style were tested on the basis of the assumption that their influence may be significantly modified by the style of performing parental functions. The research sample comprised 86 mothers of kindergarten children and 110 high school pupils. The research was conducted by means of a set of questionnaires filled in by mothers of preschoolers and by high school pupils themselves. The results indicate that alcoholics’ children differ from non-alcoholics’ children in the intensity of externalization and internalization disorders in the later period than kindergarten time. All of these disorders coexist with a different configuration of temperament traits intensity and attachment style. The style of performing parental functions does not have a direct significance for the mechanism of the persistence of mental problems. The empirically verified model of variables explains the causes of internalization of disorders in children and adolescents to a greater extent than the causes of their externalization.