Uwarunkowania procesu radzenia sobie z aborcją

Marta Wolna
Rocznik: 1998 Tom: 4 Numer: 3
Strony: 299-308
Abortion is a difficult and burdensome situation for a woman and that’s why it can be considered in categories of stress. The process of coping with it has a strongly individualized character. This can be confirmed by investigations carried out in a group of 20 women who had an abortion. The study has shown there isn't a single strategy of coping with abortion experiences common to all the women investigated. These women worked out several, sometimes completely different, specimens of strategy. An analysis of the gathered data by means of Principal Components Analysis let, however, to two separate basic groups of strategies triggered off by the women investigated. The first group involves palliative strategies disposed to regulation of emotions. The second group involves active strategies consisting mainly in direct action with the aim of changing the situation. It was proved that working out one group excludes the other. Moreover, the investigations revelated the factors influencing the choice of strategies of coping with abortion consequences. Among them the Sense of Coherence is the most important.