Wpływ naruszenia kontraktu psychologicznego na zaangażowanie w pracę. Mediacyjna rola klimatu psychologicznego

Agata Wołowska, Augustyn Bańka, Róża Bazińska
Rocznik: 2010 Tom: 16 Numer: 2
Strony: 225-235
The main objective of this research was to examine how change in the relations between an employee and an organization, which means increased frequency of breaching the psychological contract, affects attitude towards work defined as job involvement. The authors have also searched for determinants of job involvement. In realized research, Kanungo’s definition of job involvement (1982) was used. The data for this study were collected from 330 Polish employees holding different forms of employment: classic employment (N=198) and temporary work (N=132). Participants were recruited from two organizations: public administration (N=205) and a private company (N=125). The research has shown that 1) work locus of control, breach of psychological contract and psychological climate have a significant influence on job involvement; 2) psychological climate mediated the relationships between a psychological contract breach and job involvement.