Wsparcie i radzenie sobie ze stresem jako moderatory związku stresu i jakości życia osób transpłciowych

Rafał Gerymski
Rocznik: 2018 Tom: 24 Numer: 3
Strony: 607-616
This study was conducted in order to verify the role of social support and coping strategies as moderators of the relationship between perceived stress and the subjective well-being of transgender people, which is lower than cisgenders’ people. 355 people took part in this study (124 transgender people and 231 cisgender people) between age of 18 and 53. Subjective well-being has been operationalized using the Satisfaction With life Scale SWLS. Measurement of the perceived stress was made using the Perceived Stress Scale PSS-10. Coping strategies were examined using the Mini-COPE inventory. Additionally, two subscales of the Berlin Social Support Scales BSSS were used to measure received and perceived social support. Transgender people scored on the SWB scale significantly lower than cisgender people. Received and perceived social support did not turn out to be a significant moderators of the relationship between perceived stress and the subjective well-being. Only one of the coping strategies turned out to be an significant moderator of this relationship – venting of emotions.