Wybiórczość zaburzeń leksykalno-semantycznych w afazji na przykładzie rozumienia pojedynczych słów

Krzysztof Jodzio, Barbara Leszniewska-Jodzio
Rocznik: 2006 Tom: 12 Numer: 2
Strony: 155-164
Several neuropsychological studies have shown that brain-damaged patients may demonstrate selective category-specific deficits of auditory comprehension. The present paper reports on the investigation of aphasic patients’ preserved ability to perform a semantic task on spoken words despite severe impairment in auditory comprehension, as testified by failure in matching spoken words to pictured objects. Six narrowly defined semantic categories for which dissociations have been reported are colors, body parts, animals, food, objects (mostly tools), and means of transport. Great discrepancies among these categories were observed in aphasic patients, who had much more difficulty comprehending names of colors than they did comprehending other names. Animals were most often the easiest category to understand. The possibility of a simple explanation in terms of word frequency was eliminated. Evidence from the present study supports the position that the so called “global” aphasia is a very imprecise term and should be redefined. These results are discussed within the connectionist and modular perspectives on category-specific deficits in aphasia.