Żyć z godnością w zdrowiu i chorobie

Helena Sęk, Łukasz Kaczmarek
Rocznik: 2009 Tom: 15 Numer: 2
Strony: 195-205
The aim of this elaboration was to reflect on the problem of dignity as it manifests in contemporary scientific research and social consciousness. The subject of dignity is rooted in various currents of philosophy which serve as a basis for public ethos. In psychological studies the concept of human dignity is distinct from the personal sense of dignity. In the second meaning one can investigate into the process of development and strengthening of dignity and into threats to dignity. Transformations of contemporary life and their consequences show that new challenges emerge for dignified life. These challenges are associated with segregation and exclusion. In establishing research assumptions for this study social-cognitive approach towards development and functioning of personality was utilized. It was concluded that the development of values system and the structure of self which are built and exhibited in the context of social relationships are significant for dignity. The present empirical study was aimed at the sense of dignity among healthy people and people suffering from various somatic and mental disorders. We investigated into subjective meaning of dignity and personal, interpersonal and contextual factors leading to the sense of dignity, threatening it and causing the sense of being deprived of it. In the quantitative part of the present study the importance of selected attributes for the sense of dignity was analyzed. Among identified content categories we have found the following: respect, subjectivity and the fundamental human right. Among factors threatening the sense of dignity and leading to the sense of being deprived of it we have identified activity of the subject, overt and implicit influences of the others and the social context favoring or damaging the sense of dignity.