Zastosowanie paradygmatu strategicznego wobec stylów poznawczych: zaostrzanie – wygładzanie

Maciej Załuski
Rocznik: 1977 Tom: 3 Numer: 3
Strony: 181-194
It can be postulated that the Sharpening – Leveling cognitive styles can be reinterpreted in terms of memory strategies: imagery (pictorial) and prepositional (verbal) ones. The research consisted of an experimental study (computer memory test "candles" and a computer version of the Schematizing Test) on 83 adults – students of the Economical Academy in Cracow. The following conclusions were made: the Levelers used the imagery strategy more often, the Sharpeners used the prepositional one more often, while the middle group used both strategies. The effects of the middle group were named: flexibility of memory. The research proved the suggestion that the Schematizing Test can be used to measure memory strategies as well.