[id] => 596
[date] => 2019-06-28
[doi] =>
[title] => Badania i ocena trafności Skali Otwartości na Karierę Międzynarodową
[authors] => Agata Goździewicz
[abstract] => The Scale of Openness to International Career (SOIC) of A. Bańka (2005a) is a scale which is used to measure perceived predisposition towards going abroad, perceived willingness to realization of life tasks and goals outside one’s country and striving to create new features of character which are necessary to realize a goal which is working abroad. The aim of this article is an analysis of criterion-related validity of SOIC when taking into consideration such theoretical constructs and regarding empirical measures as: openness to experience, positive and negative affect, loneliness, optimism, assertiveness, life aspirations, place attachment, anxiety, proactivity and sensation seeking. The results show satisfactory validity as well as reliability of described instrument which seems to be appropriate to measure readiness to working abroad.
[abstract_en] => The Scale of Openness to International Career (SOIC) of A. Bańka (2005a) is a scale which is used to measure perceived predisposition towards going abroad, perceived willingness to realization of life tasks and goals outside one’s country and striving to create new features of character which are necessary to realize a goal which is working abroad. The aim of this article is an analysis of criterion-related validity of SOIC when taking into consideration such theoretical constructs and regarding empirical measures as: openness to experience, positive and negative affect, loneliness, optimism, assertiveness, life aspirations, place attachment, anxiety, proactivity and sensation seeking. The results show satisfactory validity as well as reliability of described instrument which seems to be appropriate to measure readiness to working abroad.
[keywords] => openness, international career, scale validation
[keywords_en] => openness, international career, scale validation
[file_path] => /files/articles/2006-12-badania-i-ocena-trafnoci-skali-otwartoci-na-karier-midzynarodow.pdf
[okladka] => psychologia_pracy_i_organizacji.jpg
[rocznik] => Rocznik: 2006 Tom: 12 Numer: 1
[strony] => 125-134