Dobroczynność Karola Goduli – śląskiego geniusza przedsiębiorczości

Grażyna Mendecka
Rocznik: 2017 Tom: 23 Numer: 2
Strony: 265-271
The article deals with the case of Karol Godula charity – one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the Upper Silesia region. Karol Godula (1781 – 1848), who was born in Silesia, came to own the third biggest fortune in the region, after earl Ballestrem and earl Donnensmark. Godula also possessed one of the biggest fortunes in Prussia, which this brilliant visionary and gifted businessman made all by himself. The psychological aspects of charity were discussed in the frame of Tomaszewski’s Theory of Action. The M. Gardner’s method of unique individuals was applied.