Intencjonalne konstruowanie przyszłości i wyprzedzające realizowanie celów: walidacja Skali Proaktywności Ogólnej

Augustyn Bańka
Rocznik: 2015 Tom: 21 Numer: 1
Strony: 97-115
This study reports the development and initial validation of the General Proactivity Scale (GPS). The initial 23 – item version of the GPS was tested on a sample of students (N=309) that are about to graduate university. Subjects were asked to evaluate on a 7-point Likert type scale their beliefs concerning the ways of preparation to future goals and challenges through engagement in current actions. On the basis of the EFA the fi nal version of a 19-item General Proactivity Scale was established. In the second study CFA using SEM modeling of three factors model was conducted. The results show satisfactory goodness of fi t of tested model of GPS (RMSA=.56). The third study realized in the sample of living university students (N=152) verifi ed evidence in favor of convergent validity of the GPS scale in correlational analyses ascertaining the independent relationship of each of the Big Five Personality factors. The fourth study conducted on a different sample of students that are about to graduate university (N=157) verifi ed convergent validity of the GPS scale in correlational analyses with three other variables: career indecision, career openness and readiness, and achievement motivation. The data obtained in four of these studies show that constructed scale is reliable and valid for measuring disposition to proactivity as creative adaptation to the future.