KIRH – kwestionariusz do badania kolektywizmu i indywidualizmu równościowego oraz hierarchicznego

Krystyna Adamska, Sylwiusz Retowski, Roman Konarski
Rocznik: 2005 Tom: 11 Numer: 2
Strony: 179-188
The horizontal and vertical distinction within individualism and collectivism is used by other researches as a theoretical framework to predict differences in values, interests, self-enhancement and modes of communication. The objective of the study was to develop and test Polish version of the measure which was based on the original INDCOL scale (Triandis, 1995). The research was carried out in four separate studies (n1=196; n2=321; n3 = 229; n=53). Exploratory factor analysis was used in the first study, confirmatory factor analysis was used in the second and third study. The hypothesized four factormodel is confirmed on the 39 – item questionnaire. Correlational research based on the universal value method of Schwarz which was conducted as a fourth study confirmed validity of presumed vertical and horizontal distinction of collectivism and individualism. The distinction makes possible precise estimation of the behavioral, cognitive, and emotional consequences of two social orientations.