Koncepcje sytuacji trudnych: krok naprzód,czy krok wstecz?

Wiesław Łukaszewski
Rocznik: 2015 Tom: 21 Numer: 1
Strony: 33-38
Fifty years ago, as part of his theory of action, Tadeusz Tomaszewski outlined the concept of normal situations and diffi cult situations. In this concept, a situation’s normalcy or diffi culty is defi ned by the task quality, the characteristics of existing conditions and an individual’s capabilities. The present paper juxtaposes Tomaszewski’s theories with Stevan Hobfoll and Roy Baumeister’s concept of resources. The most important weakness of the latter concept is that it locates the causes of diffi culty almost exclusively among the qualities of the self. Another weakness stems from ignoring the role of anticipation in regulating relations between human beings and their environment.