Konsekwencje utraty sensu życia

Anna Warchala, Irena Krupka-Matuszczyk
Rocznik: 2015 Tom: 21 Numer: 1
Strony: 73-80
According to Roy Baumeister’s losing a connection between an individual human’s life and reality deprives him/ her of important sources of meaning and leads to emptiness. Viktor Frankl differentiated two stages of the state associated with a lack of meaning: existential emptiness and existential neurosis. The article presents various coping strategies with a loss of meaning, which are described from a perspective of a defi cit of the four needs of meaning and of the existential attitudes. According to Frankl there is a possibility to solve the problem of existential emptiness looking for meaning of life in at least one of three categories of meaning. It is stressed in the fi nal conclusion, where the reason of the present crisis of meaning of life seems to be a loss of basic values and an attachment to social groups makes it easier to regain the meaning of life.