Kształtowanie się wspólnoty polskiej społeczności – imperatyw moralny czy uświadomiona konieczność dziejowa?

Dorota Kubacka-Jasiecka
Rocznik: 2018 Tom: 24 Numer: 2
Strony: 405-416
This study refers to assumptions of community psychology, a relatively new field combining theoretical and applied aspects. Using its principles and values, it addresses the issue of community and increasing citizen participation. A sense of community grows when its members are aware of their aims, rights and obligations. Only then can systemic and democratic transformations promoting justice, solidarity, wellbeing and health be introduced. Can civil society be created in Poland in the present socio-political situation? What poses a threat to community values? Both researchers and publicists point to our national and social vices and wonder how to combat them. An attempt to understand and counteract harmful information, negative attitudes and actions is not a moral choice but historic necessity.