Kto wzbudza strach a kto prosi? W poszukiwaniu determinant efektywności huśtawki emocjonalnej

Wojciech Błaszczak, Mikołaj Koterski, Dariusz Doliński
Rocznik: 2003 Tom: 9 Numer: 2
Strony: 261–269
The research that has been carried out, indicates that a sudden retraction of the external source of fear leads to people's increased compliance with various requests, suggestions, and commands. The probable mechanism underlying the phenomenon is connected with the fact that every emotion generates its own specific behavior program. When this program suddenly proves to be totally inadequate to new, modified external circumstances, the subject begins functioning mindlessly. This permits automatic reactions, which take no account for the peculiarity of the current situation. The series of experiments presented in the article was aimed at the further empirical exploration of the fear-then-relief phenomenon. The authors assumed that the number of people involved in the inducing compliance (one vs. two) should play important role in effectiveness of the technique.